Wednesday, September 1, 2010

VACANCY - LOWONGAN - Consultant for the Survey – Adaptive Wheelchair User’s Satisfactory – Handicap International

Consultant for the Survey – Adaptive Wheelchair User’s Satisfactory – Handicap International
Location: Yogyakarta and Central Java
Deadline: 5 September 2010

Handicap International is a non-governmental organization, specialized in the  field of international solidarity. It was formed in 1982, with its headquarters in Lyon (France).
Handicap International is working in over than 55 countries worldwide and a co-winner of 1997 Nobel Prize for Campaign against Land Mines.
Handicap International is made up of a Federation and eight sections (national associations) which work together on mobilizing resources, co-managing projects and promoting the movements’ principles and activities.
Handicap International is neither exclusively a development NGO nor exclusively an emergency relief NGO. Non-governmental, non-religious, non-political and non-profit making, Handicap International works alongside people with disabilities, whatever the context, offering them assistance and supporting them in their efforts to becomeself-reliant.

Handicap International has been working in Indonesia since 2005 to support health and social initiatives related to disability issue.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs of Republic of Indonesia, Handicap International Indonesia implements activities that will allow people with disabilities in Indonesia to have greater opportunities to exercise their rights to enhance their dignity.

Handicap International Indonesia formulated a strategy which stated that the specific objectives of the activities are to increase the capacity of institutions and services working in disability field, confirming to general public and decision makers are aware that disability is a human rights and development issue, and empowering people with disabilities and their organization to become active actors in their communities.

Overview of the Project
In Indonesia, existing private companies who do manufacture wheelchairs are exclusively producing basic wheelchairs used in hospitals environment, and for emergency responses.
Therefore, one of the main partners of Handicap International Indonesia, Rumah Sakit Ortopedi, Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso (RSOS), was supported in producing adaptive wheelchair for the local context, with the financial support of Swiss Solidarity. Under the current project 158 People with Disabilities already received adaptive wheelchair manufactured by the RSOS workshop on the basis of identification and referral done by local Disabled People Organizations (DPOs).

After a transition period, the workshop is now fully managed by RSOS.
In order to foster future decision-making and advocacy on this initiative, HI wants to survey this group in order to measure their satisfaction regarding this wheelchair.
Information on the RSOS adaptive wheelchair users’ satisfaction is needed to raise awareness of the Ministry of Health and other relevant stakeholders regarding the needs of persons with disabilities for custom seating systems.
The information is also needed to feed in RSOS quality control/improvement process and will usefully foster exchanges on the development of new initiatives in that field with Handicap International.
Finally, the survey report will provide additional information to Swiss Solidarity regarding the impact of the activities they funded in supporting equal opportunities for People with Disabilities.

Objective of the survey
The objective of this activity is to collect and analyze information regarding wheelchair beneficiary satisfaction on the product, its use and its impact on the activities of daily living.

Expected Results
•  Understanding of the beneficiaries’ satisfaction regarding the adaptive wheelchair features,efficiency regarding  their needs, its use and maintenance, and its impact of on daily activities of people with disabilities is improved.
•  Recommendations regarding possible improvements for wheelchair production, adaptation,delivery and maintenance stakeholders

Consultant Service:
•  The consultant will serve the services for the satisfaction survey of adaptive wheelchair for the   persons with    disabilities in the area Yogyakarta earthquake by:
(a) developing tools for the study such as questionnaires and  interview guideline and
(b) conducting interviews and focus group discussionstowards adaptive wheelchairs’ users and documenting success stories
(c) providing the final report in Bahasa Indonesia and English.

•  Together with PM, the consultant will develop on the basis of the collected information.
•  The paper is expected to require a total of about 40-day’s full time equivalent of consultant effort.The work should be initiated on 20th September 2010 and be completed by 30 November 2010.
•  This activity will only take place within Jogjakarta and Central Java area among the beneficiaries of the Swiss Solidarity  funded project.

Consultant Tasks:
Research and report writing:
•  Select a group of representative users
•  Develop a survey toolkit
•  Conduct research through focus group discussions and interviews
•  Analyze research results and make them accessible for readers
•  Collaborate with PM for recommendations
•  Write the final report in coordination with the Wheelchair Project Manager Handicap International
•  Facilitate restitution workshops for the survey and its result  

•  Survey toolkit
•  Minutes of sessions
•  Mission report

Consultant qualifications:
•  Education: Degree in communications, economics, social sciences, political science, development studies, disabilitystudies or equivalent combination of education and experience in a related area.
•  Experience: Preferably minimum 2 years of experience in the field of disability and/or development or social research. Post graduate students with experience in conducting survey or in disability field are encouraged to apply.
•  Language: Fluency in written and spoken English is preferred
•  Skills: Research and survey methodology, excellent analytical, research and communication skills, professional writing competencies, and proven and fluent ability in written and oral communication skills
•  Person with Disability’s candidatures are strongly encouraged

Special requirement :
- Please also add a short paragraph about your knowledge on disability issues .
- Please to mention expected payment / price for the service provided.

The Proposal / Quotation must be sent by e-mail to:, and CC to:
until 5th September 2010.  No offer will be considered after this deadline.

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